The Water Pollution Rules, 2001 (as amended) was the first subsidiary legislation under the Environmental Management Act Chapter 35:05 to be revised. The Water Pollution Rules, 2019 (WPR) became effective on October 10, 2019.
The WPR and the Water Pollution (Fees) Regulations, 2019 are meant to:
- Provide an integrated approach to watershed management regulating point sources of pollution and managing non-point sources of pollution and encourage wastewater re-use.
- Further comply with the tenets of the Polluter Pays Principle (PPP).
Any facility with parameters or substances concentrations outside Schedule I of the WPR are deemed a source of water pollutants. The EMA will notify such a facility to apply for Water Pollution Permit (WPP) where:
- There is a point-source discharge(s) or commonly referred to as end-of-pipe discharge; and
- The effluent discharge is outside Schedule II of the WPR; and
- The effluent discharge is not regulated by a Certificate of Environmental Clearance (CEC).
A facility with an issued WPP is required to meet the Schedule II end of pipe discharge standards within a specified timeframe. The permit will be effective for no more than five (5) years.
Forms, Guides & Instructions

Water Application Fees Information
1. All Fees are to be deposited, directly to the EMA Account #1183848, at any branch of the First Citizens Bank.
2. Applicants must attach the original receipt to the application form and keep a copy for their records.
3. Applicants must also ensure that the bank includes their name and “WPP Application” on the receipt.
Facility Type | Effluent Discharge Volume (m^3/day) | Initial Application Fee(TTD) | Renewal Application Fee (TTD) |
Micro-/Mini | <10 | 14,000.00 | 5,800.00 |
Small | 10-100 | 15,000 | 5,900.00 |
Medium | 100-500 | 18,000.00 | 6,400.00 |
Large | >500 | 20,000.00 | 6,600.00 |
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