Waste Generator Application Form

Generators are holders of a Waste Generation Permit (WGP) who: 

  • produce non-hazardous wastes at or above quantities specified in Schedule 1 of the Waste Management Rules, 2021 (WMR), or 
  • hazardous waste at any quantity. 


For existing facilities generating waste, the WMR specifies the submission of an application:

Within sixty (60) working days from 31 May 2022
such longer period as determined by the EMA.

Due to the anticipated number of applications, the EMA will, on a phased basis, notify an existing facility to apply. The facility will have a minimum of sixty (60) working days from the date of notification to submit its application. The first phase of notifications has commenced with applications due during the week of September 12, 2022.


For facilities generating waste whose operations are yet to commence, the WMR specifies the submission of application at least forty (40) days before the start of operations.

Instructions for completing the application form as well as a sample form are accessible in the link to the Waste Generation Application Form. Further clarification or information on the application process can be requested though waste@ema.co.tt.