Asja Boys Charlieville

Carapichaima West Secondary

Flanagin Town RC

Guaico Presbyterian

ASJA San Fernando

Toco Secondary
Enviro Club
The EMA Enviro Club programme provides support to primary and secondary schools’ environmental clubs. Schools are responsible for managing and maintaining their clubs but the EMA Enviro Club programme provides support in the following ways:
– Visits from the EMA’s public education staff to conduct lectures
– Regular emails via our Enviro Club mailing list, with notifications of upcoming events
– A quarterly newsletter, On D Scene, that highlights club activities (see issues below)
– At least one activity per term in which clubs can participate
– Access to EMA publications, including booklets, brochures and posters
– Opportunities to earn a Green Leaf Award at the EMA’s biennial awards event
Registering a Club
Schools that are interested in registering their existing club with the EMA Enviro Club programme can fill out a registration form (Click Here For Registration Form). There is a six month probationary period, during which clubs should be active, holding regular meetings and undertaking activities to build interest in the club. At the end of the probationary period, the club is inaugurated as an official EMA Enviro Club.
Schools that are interested in forming an EMA Enviro Club can contact the EMA’s Public Education Unit:
Phone: 226-4362 ext 2239
Email: education@ema.co.tt
to get further information and to schedule a visit by an EMA representative.
The EMA representative will meet with secondary school teachers and students interested in starting the club to discuss and explain:
– Steps to starting an environmental club
– Club executive positions and responsibilities
– Activities the club can undertake
– Ways of maintaining interest in the club
At the primary school level, the EMA representative can meet with the school principal and intended club coordinating teacher to discuss starting the club and the support the EMA Enviro Club programme will provide. Once the club has started, the EMA representative can also visit to discuss what being part of an environmental club will mean to its member pupils.