The Environmental Management Authority (EMA) has launched an official investigation into the destruction of a turtle nesting site at Turtle Beach in Tobago, which is an important site for endangered leatherback turtles in Tobago. This investigation follows a video that has recently surfaced on social media, showing what appears to...
The EMA was proud to partner and collaborate with the Trinidad and Tobago International Financial Centre to enhance accessibility of services as it relates to the Certificate of Environmental Clearance application process. Click Here To View
The Environmental Management Authority has designated five (5) sea turtle species as Environmentally Sensitive Species (ESS) - the Green, Hawksbill, Leatherback, Loggerhead, and the Olive Ridley species. From 1 March to 31 August each year, we observe the nesting of these five (5) turtles. What an extraordinary experience it is...
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 51 of the Environmental Management Act,Chapter 35:05 ("the Act"), that the Environmental Management Authority ("the Authority"),upon direction of the Minister of Planning and Development, hereby submits the LegislativePolicy Brief for the proposed amendments to the Noise Pollution Control Rules, 2001 forpublic comment.AND TAKE...
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe outline of this plan was developed for the Regional Association of Oil and Natural Gas Companies in Latin America and the Caribbean (ARPEL) under the title “How to Develop a National Oil Spill Contingency Plan” in association with the RAC/REMPEITC-Caribe.This outline was modified by the Ministry of Energy and...
The Environmental Management Authority (EMA) recently hosted a stakeholder validationworkshop for the Global Environment Facility (GEF) project ‘National Reporting to theUnited Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).’Under the UNCCD 2018–2030 Strategic Framework, country parties are required toperiodically report on the progress in achieving the strategic objectives through nationalprogrammes aimed at...
The Environmental Management Authority (EMA) advises the public, that the current “Air Quality” level has registered UNHEALTHY on the Air Quality Index (AQI) at the EMA’s Monitoring Station in Port of Spain at 10am. The increase in Particulate Matter (PM) is attributed to Saharan dust and the level is 159....
The Environmental Management Authority (EMA) advises the public, that the current “Air Quality” level in Trinidad and Tobago has registered as UNHEALTHY on the Air Quality Index (AQI). According to the readings taken at the EMA’s Monitoring Stations in Mayaro, Pt Lisas, Port of Spain and San Fernando, respectively, at...
Ahead of Trinidad and Tobago’s sea turtle nesting season in March this year, Planning and Development Minister Pennelope Beckles officially reappointed the National Sea Turtle Task Force on January 22, 2024.One of the key objectives of the Task Force is to protect the sea turtles, which are an important part...
The Environmental Management Authority (EMA), through the BIOREACH Project, successfully hosted an Integrated Wildfire Management Training programme from January 8th to 16th, 2024, in both Trinidad and Tobago. This intensive training targeted professional Officers and Community-Based Organisations with experience in wildfire response.Over 60 participants, including personnel from the Forestry Division...