Media Release – The EMA supports recycling in Tobago

The Environmental Management Authority (EMA) takes this opportunity to clarify its
supporting role in sustainable waste management in Tobago, executed through the Tobago
House of Assembly’s (THA’s) Division of Food Security, Natural Resources, Environment &
Sustainable Development (DFSNRESD). The THA led Tobago Recycling Resource Initiative
(TRRI), or project is a collaboration with the DFSNRESD, the Division of Health Wellness
and Social Protection Development and private sector companies. The Recyclable Solid Waste
Collection Project, fondly called iCARE, began in 2015 with the approval and receipt of
funding from the Green Fund of Trinidad and Tobago. As a pilot demonstration project, its aim
was to prepare and assess the readiness of the public for the passage of the proposed Beverage Container Bill, providing opportunities to participate in recycling, and the EMA’s Waste Management Rules, 2021 with the latter becoming operational in May 2022.