The Environmental Management Authority (EMA) takes this opportunity to clarify itssupporting role in sustainable waste management in Tobago, executed through the TobagoHouse of Assembly’s (THA’s) Division of Food Security, Natural Resources, Environment &Sustainable Development (DFSNRESD). The THA led Tobago Recycling Resource Initiative(TRRI), or project is a collaboration with the DFSNRESD,...
PUBLIC NOTICE Clarifying the Environmental Management Authority's Role Regarding Noise Pollution in T&T
Articles contributed by the Environmental Management Authority (EMA) to the Trinidad and Tobago Contractors Association (TTCA) - The Contractor (Quarterly e-Magazine) Articles (Click on Topic to Read) TTCA Quarterly e-Magazine – The Contractor – Issue #3 – January – March 2023, Article: Certificate of Environmental Clearance (CEC) conditions and...