MEDIA RELEASE – Four national initiatives launched for World Environment Day 2024

“Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration.” Under this slogan, this year’s World Environment Day (WED) campaign focused on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience, a call for the protection and revival of our global ecosystems.

In recognition of the campaign, the Environmental Management Authority (EMA) in collaboration with the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) commemorated WED 2024 at the Shaw Park Cultural Complex in Tobago. This year’s WED was a double celebration, as the event recognised the EMA’s 29th anniversary.

During the celebration, four national initiatives focused on youth development, climate action and sustainability were launched, including:

1. The ACE Space (Action for Climate Empowerment) — a virtual platform allowing members of the public a space to submit details of their climate change related projects.
2. The Green Leaf Awards (GLA) 2026 with the theme “Celebrating Sustainability in the Private Sector”
3. Story Time with Auntie Alisa Comprehension Activity — a comprehension activity based on a children’s storytelling series targeting children under the age of 10.
4. The Youth Climate Ambassadors Programme — which aims to empower and equip youth to tackle our climate crisis.

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